Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey, guys and girls! Let's have some fun with DNA.

This blog is dedicated to something I have a passion for: imagining lifeforms that would helpful to us, society, and the environment. You might be able tell I want to keep an upbeat attitude about this because let's face it: it's HIGHLY unlikely that the technology to manipulate DNA will advance within my lifetime to the skill, safety, precision, and reliability levels that would be required to make real all the imaginary lifeforms we come up with today, no matter how much work I put into this blog. But if we start with the assumption that good ideas have value, then all that doesn't matter. If we assume that if we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day manipulate life with the expertise of a deity, then the ideas for these lifeforms could be utilized (assuming also this information can be passed on to those godlike-engineers). And man, will those people be happy they don't need to start from a blank slate as to what to do with their fantastic technology!

So, will this work in the end make me the money I feel it deserves? I don't know, but I can certainly hope so, and I feel the first step towards that goal will be to make myself and my ideas known to the masses. And that is why I'm making this blog. Thus begins our fun with DNA.

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